[dt_gap height=”200″][dt_fancy_title title=”Board of Public Utilities” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]
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The City of Paris Board of Public Utilities serves the City of Paris with wastewater treatment facilities and collection system.

The wastewater treatment facilities consist of a 2.5 MGD advanced secondary activated sludge wastewater plant constructed in 1986. The system averages treating 2.0 MGD.

[dt_gap][dt_fancy_title title=”Non-Residential Wastewater Rate Schedule” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

Effective August 1, 2010

[dt_fancy_title title=”Availability” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

This rate schedule shall apply to wastewater service to commercial, industrial, governmental, and other customers not classified as residential, located within the corporate limits of the City of Paris.  This rate is based upon the amount of water measured by the Board of Public Utilities’ metering facilities at each point of delivery.

[dt_fancy_title title=”Commodity Rate” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]
Water Usage Wastewater Rate
  Inside City Outside City
Less Than 1,000 Gallons $14.40 (Base Charge) $21.60
1,000 Gallons $15.95 Charge $23.93
2,000 Gallons $16.86 Charge $25.29
Next 3,000 Gallons $3.53 per Thousand Gallons $5.295
Next 20,000 Gallons $3.23 per Thousand Gallons $4.845
Next 25,000 Gallons $2.88 per Thousand Gallons $4.320

All users or customers residing outside of the corporate limits of the City of Paris shall be charged an additional fifty percent (50%) of the wastewater bill.

[dt_fancy_title title=”Surcharge” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) over 250 mg/l $0.26 per pound
Suspended Solids over 300 mg/l $0.18 per pound
Ammonia Nitrogen over 15 mg/l $1.14 per pound
[dt_fancy_title title=”Surveillance Fee” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

Any customer issued an industrial pretreatment discharge permit shall be charged an additional %500.00 per month.

Minimum Monthly Bill
Based on Water Meter Size
Size Gallons Inside City Outside City
5/8″ See above commodity Rate for minimum
1″ 5,000 $27.45 $41.18
1 1/2″ 15,000 $59.75 $89.63
2″ 25,000 $92.05 $138.08
[dt_fancy_title title=”Payment” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

Above charges are net.

*** Rates are subject to change at any time***