[dt_gap height=”200″][dt_fancy_title title=”Board of Public Utilities” title_align=”center” title_size=”h1″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

The Board of Public Utilities supplies water from three wells. The daily pumping capacity is 6,000,000 gallons with an average daily consumption of 2,500,000 gallons. Storage capacity is 2.3 million gallons in elevated tanks and 650,000 gallons of underground storage. Average temperature of the pumped well water is 56°F.

Paris has a Commission-Manager form of government. The City Commission, composed of five persons elected every four years, selects one of the members to serve as mayor for a two-year term.

[dt_gap height=”10″][dt_fancy_separator separator_style=”line” separator_color=”default”][dt_fancy_title title=”Water Rate Schedule” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

Effective July 1, 2013

[dt_gap height=”10″][dt_fancy_title title=”Commodity Rate” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]
Water Usage Inside City Outside City
First   2,000 Gallons $11.45 (Minimum) $17.18 (Minimum)
Next   3,000 Gallons $2.36 per M $3.54 per M
Next 6,000-200,000 Gallons $2.14 per M $3.21 per M
Over 200,000 Gallons $1.83 M $2.75 per M

All users or customers residing outside of the corporate limits of the City of Paris shall be charged an additional fifty percent (50%) of the commodity charge.

[dt_gap height=”10″][dt_fancy_title title=”Minimum Monthly Bill” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]
Meter Size Gallons Monthly Minimum Inside City Monthly Minimum Outside City
5/8″ 2,000 $11.45 $17.18
1″ 6,000 $20.67 $31.01
1 1/2″ 16,000 $42.07 $63.11
2″ or above 28,000 $67.75 $101.63
[dt_gap height=”10″][dt_fancy_title title=”Payment” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

Above charges are net.

[dt_fancy_separator separator_style=”line” separator_color=”default”][dt_gap][dt_fancy_title title=”Fire Protection Rate Schedule” title_align=”left” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”default” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”disabled” separator_color=”default”]

Effective May 1, 2005

Sprinkler Head Charge
$20.00 per building


*** Rates are subject to change at any time***